Hello My Kunang-Kunang! Testing2??
Monday, March 19, 2012
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Lost
Have you?
Apedia? Handbaggggggggggggggggg…… Uwaaaaawawaa………… :’(
Dah. Cukup. Enough. Pnt sudah menangis kerane sume nie…Ok, jom story.
It was 3rd of June 2011, at Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Me with the gals 10 of us to go attend Kahud’s wedding..The first RockChicks to get married beybeh..Smngt! Stay la kat satu chalet yg scaryyyyy ni kan. Pfftt…Pissed off klu ingt blk tmpt tu. Dgn staff nyer yg x helpful lgsg. Hampeh hampagas. Hurh!
How did it happen?
9 am - Bgn tdo, bag masih ade. Kwn2 (5 org sebilik – Me, Nini, Shekin, Pya, Dina) sume pon da bgn, sembang2 sesame sendiri. Aku gi mandi dlm mase plg lame pon 15 – 20 minit. Abis mandi, kuar toilet, nak siap2 tgk bag, aik….DA TAKDE!!!!
Yeah, it’s just like that. Xde org luar yg kuar masuk pntu tngkap sume tutup and bag tu adelah hilang begitu saje.
Bag tu camne? Besar gabak ok!
Ade org lain hilang brg gak ke? Ye, Pya pon hilang HP Google dier…Huuu…
Camne bole jadi? Camne bole jadi? Hmm…still questioning. Because logically and directly rasenyer susah la nak dicapai bag tu n nak dibawa keluar dgn ade 4 manusia kat bilik tu sume da bgn and bley jek nmpk jek ape yg terjadi. Tp, hilang jgk. So, what we can say is mende da nak jadi...n da bkn rezeki so nak wat camne kan..Maka, redha je lah.
Wanna make a Tribute To My Lost. Ade pics!! These below pics all I took few weeks before it’s missing. Hamek gmbr satu2 semangat konon2 nak post entry kat My Kunang-Kunang nie cite2 about “Women’s Handbags”. Ye arr interesting kot women's handbag nie utk diceritakan.. mcm2 adaaa...But then x sempat nak sharing2 daaa hilang la plak woman’s handbag nyer tu...Haih..
So I attach everything in this post as a memory of my very beloved handbag and all the stuffs inside. Repeat, ALL THE STUFFS INSIDE!!! Urghh….devastated klu ingat balik. :(
This is the bag. Oh, was. This WAS the bag. Huu…Seed, light brown with dark blue lining.
Ni plak gayenyer klu dibawa.
Maksudnye, besar. Nak sangkut kat bahu pon xleh. Klu letak kat tgh2 then ade org amek of course bley prasan. Sepatutnyer lah.
N then…brg2nyer! Allah, sedey….Hm ni ha :
Mari bongkar!
1 ) Purse, of course. And all the important documents – IC, Driving License, Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Cards, segala membership2 card for shopping, petrol, dental, insurance, gambar passport and some cash definitely. So after da blk JB tu terpaksela spend 2 days nak settle segale mende2 mereport lost of cards nak buat baru sume dan ya, byr penalty charges! Hurhh.. :(
3) Camera. Ok, this is not the 1st time I lost a camera. It’s the THIRD time ok. 1st time mase form 4 bwk camera gi school-trip kat Cherating, hilang kat pantai – tak ingat la brand ape yg pntg nyer yg pki filem la. 2nd time mase final year kat UIA gi tgk wyg midnite kat GSC OU, hilang tertinggal - Nikon..Clumsy animal!! And now the 3rd time, hilang ghaib – Olympus Pink. Malang berbau camera sggh. Wanna share something, with this camera, EVERYTIME a snapped a picture with it, then mst aku ckp “Eee aku x suke camera nie. Gambar cam nie x cantik! Nikon dlu lg cantik. X suke x suke benci!” Like everytime ok. Hmm…mmg ptt la kot camera tu merajuk ngn tuannyer hilang trs kau. Pdn muke aku. Sorry Olympus Pink for always cursing you, may you rest in peace. Huhuhu… Tapi mende2 lain tu I more than appreciate pon hilang gak camne? Huu… :(
4) Perfume. Haa…Nasib baik bkn yg nie yg hilang sbb yg nie Abg Eddyku yg bg! Klu hilang kan sedey lg. I brought the other one, Escada Desire Me sbb bottle dier lg kecik n sng. Tp syg jgk perfume tu! :(
5) Pendrive. Syg pendrive nie sbb dier cantik! :(
6) Friendship Ring from Nini. Nini beli kat Bandung utk sume Rockchicks. Aku mmg xpki Nini sbb bsr sgt tp aku bwk kemane2..Hilang dah Nini, sorry… :(
7) Gambar kekasih hati. Lame but yeah I brought these pics everywhere ok. Rindu2 bole tgk kan..Ceh mcm la dlm HP xleh smpn gmbr :p.. Heishh…klulah si pencuri nyer tu just amek cash and bag nie die buang jek dlm longkang, mksdnyer muke2 aku nie sume dlm longkang lah kan! Hishh krg ajar. :(
8) Bag Organizer. I loved this so much! Bought from Shekin more than a year ago. Sgt bergune dan penting ok bag organizer nie!!
Tgk ni, klu xde die camnie la rupe dlm women’s handbag!
9) Lastly ade brg2 yg somehow tidaklah terlalu terkilan dgn kehilangannya but still, significant. Brooch, Cream, Pills, Pen, and Ubat Jerawat! Nie brg2 yg bole diganti and xde sentimental value pon. Tp leceh jek nak kene gi cr blk smule kat kedai.. Hmm..
Anyhow, ade gak brg yg terselamat. Meaning, selame nie mmg aderr jek bwk dlm handbag but at that time dier hilang they were not inside. So terselamatlah Alhamdulillah..Ini dier..
1) Handphone. I slept with the phone beside me so mase bgn tu I put it on the table. Nasib la x hilang koz ble da jd tu nak kena call2 Mama, Abah, Abg, call bank lg block2 credit and ATM card sume so klu la ngn HP2 pon hilang bertambah susah la..
2) Make-up Kit Her Name Was Glowla. Ni pon hadiah hantaran mase tunang jgk..And like everytime mesti bwk gi mane2 tp mase hilang bag tu mende nie dlm bag lg satu..but lipgloss tu, ade dlm handbag yg hilang so hilang lah ia bersame...I really love this! Nasib baik ade lg…
3) Perfume. Yeah I told you above perfume nie terselamat..Nasib baik. Sentimental Value!
Ok first part td adelah brg2 yg mmg ade dlm handbag so wlu mcm mane pon klu dah handbag hilang mereka ttp akan hilang jgk. X dpt nak elak.
2nd part adelah barang2 yg klu ikutkan ptt hilang la sbb slalunyer die ade jek dlm handbag tp mase kejadian, xde dlm bag so perasaan mcm fuhh… nasib baik.
Bagaimane plak perasaan klu brg tu x sepatutnyer atau x slalu nyer ade dlm handbag tp kebetulan mase kejadian, terletak plak brg tu dlm handbag tu and danggg…hilang terus…………
Bagaimana perasaan? TERKILAN bukan? RALAT bukan?
Bagaimana pula klu brg tu adelah brg yg paling berharga? Ye, paling. “Terkilan” dan “ralat” pon x mampu nak membayangkan perasaan itu. Oh apekah yg sedih sgt nie? YE, SGT SEDIH. TERAMAT SEDIH. LEBIH DRPD SGT DAN TERAMAT SEDIH. Undescribable frustration. *Cry*
It was actually….
MY ENGAGEMENT RINGS…………. *Crying More*
Yes, I’ve lost my engagement and merisik rings after about or not until 6 months I’m wearing them on my manis fingers. Sedey weyhhh… Slalu nyer pakai jek. Tp nak mandi mesti la bkk kan..slalunyer akan letak atas box atas meja ngn jam dan lain2 tp nie, time bag tu nak hilang tu la mende tu gi letak kat dlm kan… Lg pon tgh travel, takkan nak letak merate2. Huh…Tak terkate ape. Diam.
Klimaks x cite nie? Hehe…Pade yg da tau tuu..x klimaks da laa..Ok, let’s go down the plot. After all, semua mende da nak jd kan..Sedey pon smpi ble nak sedey. Curse mcm haram pon dpt blk ke sume tu..Yg pentingnyer redha..kene redha. Mungkin ade hikmah disebalik ape yg terjadi. Only God knows why all these things happened and why it happened to me sdgkan bag kwn2 lain pon ade jek kat ctu bsepah tp aku pnyer jek la jgk yg hilang kan. Byk dosa agaknyer bag tu..Oh tak, tuan nyer laa...haha..Tp mase nak kene gi report police la, renew IC, License, card2 dan segale nyer, mmg menyumpah jgk la..menyusahkan jek sume nie…leceh.
This is the last pic of me and the handbag. I miss you always!! Thanks for being with me all these while. I'll get a new one justttt like you ok! :)
I wanna thank Mama, Abah, Families, Fiance and Rockchicks for sticking with me during tough times. Thanks a lot for the help and support. I Love You My People.
In memories...
CINCIN jek yg in memories! Ikatannyer masih ade insyaAllah. Hehehhe....
What?? My Kunang-Kunang blogger da engaged?? X update pon eh!! Ape nie?? Appe pon x bole! Hahha...Ye laa...da lame x update blog.. Perlu buat satu post utk ni. Tp xpe laa...da lepas da pon. da nak kawin da pon. Ingt nak jd mcm Bride-2-Be yg lain yg sket2 update segale persiapan nak kawin kan..mcm best jek. Tp, berangan je la My Kunang-Kunang oii!! Blog update pon setahun skali jek. Pastu skali cite nak panjang-panjanggg kan. Hehehe...
Ok then, penat dah cite. I'll see you again to story2 mende lain plak. Lastly, for all ladies outside, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR HANGBAGS! AND YOUR ENGAGEMENT RINGS TOO. Huhuhu....BYE! *senoritasad*
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1431H
Alhamdulillah..think fasting month this year was quite fulfilling.. Dpt terawih almost every night (almost)..koz adela jgk missed several nights koz berbuke kt luar n x sempat ke masjid. Rase rugi jgk..tp xpelah jgk..huhu. So regularly I went to Masjid Tmn Daya less than 2 minutes driving distance. Masjid tu wat terawih ringkas je so skjp jek da abis. Pegi usually ngn mama n adik2ku. Alhamdulillah…hopefully next year dpt lg. Qur’an plak, bace la jgk..tp x sempat khatam.. Bgs btol sape yg dpt abis 30 juzu’ dlm sebulan Ramadhan, besar pahale. Xpe, cube lg :)
Buke pose..mostttt of the days I just breakfast at home with family. Mama masak or sometimes beli kt bazaar. But I myself, pegi bazaar pon skali jek. But Alhamdulillah, my mission not to ever breakfast in the car tercapai! Koz da berazam exclusively during the fasting month, will not stay back kat office! Yeah..berjaye..but adela gak sekali buke dlm keta but time tu x pose pon..hehe..so xpe.
Selain family, I also took the opportunity to breakfast with mereka2 yg tersayang.. kwn2 skola n univ n also kekasihku..;) Dgn ex-schoolmates, we had a buffet breakfast at Malay Village, Jln Kolam Air JB. Punyelah ramai org okeh! Makan sedappp sgt n siap plan lg for Jamuan Raye on the 15th Sept (esok!). Yeah really can’t wait…!


Spent a weekend in KL for UIA buddies and also Boyfie Sayang! Buke pose with Eddy kt Ampang and then shopping raye with the girls at Jln TAR dan sebagainyer..It’s our yearly tradition ok! Shopping raye, buke pose n bunge api. So when everybody dah keje pon, we still stick to the plan! This year’s was more special coz we also went for terawih at TTDI plus sahur together at Dina’s crib, Sentul. Really had fun to the max ok! Oh, I wonder this tradition will continue forever and ever? Till one by one get married then it’ll stop..no!

Okaylah, that’s all about my fasting month this year. Alhamdulillah, everything was smooth, health was good and except for the menstrual reason, pose penuh! Now it’s Syawal already, let’s take the opportunity to Puase 6 and yes ladies, ganti pose! Hehe.. ;)
Last but not least, Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum……semoge Allah menerime amalan ku dan amalan kalian.. …Ameen..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My 24th Birthday
Okay, ini pesan Abah. Setiap kali smpi je hari jadi kite, org pertame yg kite perlu wish ialah MAMA kite. Coz wlupon pade hari itu kite yg dilahirkan, tp yg berjuang utk mengeluarkan kite ke dunia ini ialah MAMA kite. MAMA kite yg menanggung segale kesusahan mengandungkan kite selame 9 bulan dan tibe masenye, MAMA kite lah yg mengharungi segala kesakitan sehingge lah kite selamat lahir ke dunie pade hari jadi kite. Maka, yang utama pada tarikh hari jadi kite ialah hari kejayaan MAMA kite. Yang kedua, baru lah hari jadi kite. Klu potong bday cake pon, kte kne suap MAMA kite dlu. Jadi disini, Nor ingin mengucapkan Terima Kasih yang tak terhingga kepada MAMA Nor yang telah melahirkan Nor pade 27 April 1986. Doa Nor setiap mase semoga Mama sentiase berade dibawah perlindungan Allah s.w.t wlu di maaaaaaaaaaaaaaane pon Mama berade. Ameen.. :)
Latest pic kite ngn Mama kite, April 2010 :
Haaa…mari bercerite kesah2 kelahiranku. Klu bcakap jek bab2 melahirkan anak2 mase kecik, mama slalu cite : “Antare ramai2 nie, Nor lah yg paaaling senang sekali mama nk branak. Kejap jek sakit tup2 dah kluar” Hehhehe…oh welllll…..sbb tu lah nor anak mama yg paling baik dan comel! Keh keh keh
Nor sbnr nyer dijangke kluar pade 17 April. Tp syok agak nyer dok dlm perut, dah lebih seminggu dr due date pon mama still x rase lg mcm nk beranak so mama pegi keje mcm biase. Colleagues mama pon pelik “eh x branak lg? eh x branak lg?” end up, lambat 10 hari! 27 April lah hari yg bertuah itu :) Jadi, lahir lah diriku di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian Kelantan. Ho, oghe klate nih. :D
Nur Saleha binti Malek Reedzwan name diberi. Alaaa…betape x glamor nyer name ku. Mama kate, abah yg letak. Abah nie xde taste btol lah. I always complain..nape la x letak name best2 sket.. ala mcm certain org name dier not with dat typical nur or nurul or siti..boring kan..letak la name pnjg2 sket like a combination of 3 words gitu. Br best n glamorous. Cnthnye Natasya Hudson ker, Catriona ke, Intan Ladyana..hehheheh. Or I also like names that rhyme. Klu laki cnthnyer Eddy Erman. Hihihi…cnth ok. :p
Well, to commercialize my name, msk skola asrama jek srh la org pggl SAL kan..then gi tambah lak Z kat blkg jd SALZ. Commercial la sgt. Mcm2.. But then mase matric, ade la 2 ekor mamat nie kt klas tu start pggl ku dgn name LEHA. Sbb kan dieorg lah, guys in college majority call me Leha…Nazim ngn Boss pnye psl la nieee….aku ingt tau! Cetttzzz…Lg mnyampah smtimes tu kt office klu ade org call : “bole sy ckp dgn cik ZALEHA?” Zaleha la pulak jdnyerrr…haishhh..Pggl la btol2! Ah shut up. My name is Saleha and I’ve been living with it for 24 years. And I'm not a terrorist :D. Tho I don’t really like it, it is mine. Andai kate lah suatu hari nnt diriku akan mencipta sejarah dunie ker, name Nur Saleha jgk yg akan diletakkan dlm World Book of Records kan. Xkan nk letak name org lain plak kan? So after all, be thankful lah kan. X baik kan x bersyukur. At least kte ade name. Ade org tu lg la..xde name. eh, ade ke org xde name? MANE ADE! HAHAH…sume org ade name..org kaye ade name. org plg miskin dlm dunie pon ade name. Haa...so klu kte xde duit pon, at least kte ade name. Oi amende aku merepek nie? Ok back, Saleha written in arabic, it has a good meaning. And yet, tajuk lagu pertame Mawi tuu..Aduh Saleha. Eventually, glamor la jgk. Haha.. dah la. Name pon nk cite pnjg2. Bkn bleh tuka pon. Xpela kan..name is my name. Thanks Abah kerane memberi Nor name yanggggggggggg…….sedaplah! Hehehe…Haa tgklah my kids nnt, nk ltk name sorg empat perkataan! HAHA :p
Ok now, jom share pics mase kecik. X byk lah collection. Mane pegi dah sume gmbr2..tp adela several nie :




Alhamdulillah…At this point of time, I’m so thankful to God for all his blessings. Being 24, so many things I’ve gone thru in my life yet there are more things in the future to look forward to, with the will of Allah. Thank God, Thank You Mama & Abah and Happy Birthday to me. Wassalam.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April yeay April!
Labels: campus life, friendship, love, myself, spiritual

First and foremost…Birthdays in April… Everyone’s most special day in a year is the birthday right..so, let’s make a birthdays tribute because I have sooo many ppl in my life with birthdays in April..
Siblings : There are four cuties in my family borne in April what a wow! Hehe..First, myself 27th April, younger bro Jan 26th April, youngerer bro Adik 21st April, and youngest bro Johan 16th April. Wowwy =D …Ops, another wow! Me, Jan and Adik are 3 years in a row okay! HAHAHA…Planning oh planning =p.. So Johan will turn 13 this year, Adiks turning 22, Jans turning 23 and ME! Turning TWENTY-FOURRRR my goodness!! Huh I am damn adult, man! Chup, gi tgk cermin jap…Haha klaka jek.. 24 oh 24…Alhamdulillahhh…panjang umurku! InsyaAllah laa kan..i’m writing this on the 1st April. 1st to 27th nnt…insyaAllah smpi..ameen.. So, happy birthday dear siblings….be good kids to Mama & Abah okay? Pray for them all the times.. =) Readers, this was the pic taken at Johan's 10th birthday party at home, back in the year 2007 =)
Rockchickas : Owh..of those 13, 5 of us are Aprilian laa..tolak myself, Kahud 3rd April, Dina 5th April, Maya 16th April (same ngn johan), and Nini 26th April (a day before mine). Haaa….tua2 dah korang sume..bak kate org da bley kawin =p..so couples, go plan for the ‘day’ k..and singles, go catch boyfriends! ;D

Cinta… Hey…I share the same birthday month with my boyfriend okay!

Cinta….Every 13th of every month is just sweeter than the other 13th’s..because 13th was the declaration date of me and him..so April’s 13th must be much sweeter because of his birthday and our relationship turns half a year! Wah..mcm lame jek…actly, six months! =D Still remember it was at KLIA, him sending me off to JB after my convo fever…what a beautiful moment! ;p Owh yea…we also exchanged fon numbers in April last year..so it’s about a year already since we started getting in-touch. Haha..emm now…I can feel the love is getting stronger..loving more and more…thanks for the blessings :) …
April is the shopping month! Haha..not really..just that, I got the birthday voucher from Padini, 30% less for normal items..yeay..so april, shopping at padini+pdi+seed+vincci dan yg swaktu dgn nyer ;) I MUST grab a new handbag, a pair of pumps maybe, and some clothes kot..budget pls!
April yeay April means good things about April ..but there’s one uneasy thing about this April. Johor was supposed to have a Public Holiday on the 8th of April due to the birthday of Sultan Johor..however, according to his passing away last Jan (if you heard we’re mourning in white for a week), the PH is now shifted to the current Sultan’s birthday so the new PH replacing the 8th will be in Nov this year onwards. Huhuu…lamenyer nk tgguuu..So there’s no PH in April! =( But it’s ok, the new PH is about near to Raye Haji this year. So it’s an advantage after all ;)
Hmmmm……I have another story to share about April, last year. It was April 14th, afternoon..i received an sms from a friend of mine..telling me her dad suddenly passed out at home and she was in hospital after running him to ward. Sms-ing me asking to pray so that her dad would be ok and nothing bad was to happen..i was weird..as far as I knew her dad didn’t suffer any severe illness..suddenly passed out? Hmm…maybe a normal faint and he would wake up and recover. But still, in my heart, the way she sms-ed was quite worrying..she seemed so worried..i could feel the situation was dull and sober.. then I hit myself, ‘don’t think too much. everything is ok’ ….
Less than an hour afterwards…..I received another sms..from her..and I was….. “WHUD?” Innalillahiwainnailaihiraaji’un………………….. it’s a sudden death. it's just like that. even the moment he fell down at home, nobody expected he would go in a few hours later..go forever…and he died due to the heart failure..if im not mistaken. And it became the most dreadful memory in her life..my friend.
I didn’t really know her dad..we never met before but maybe she did talk about me to him so there was one time, she was injured, leg bandaged and had to go to class with walking sticks, had to go on checkups at HKL..so i somehow played my role as a friend and that wasn’t a big deal, of course..(not dat saying im good ok bcoz its normal). But u know what, her dad called me thanking me for doing all those things to his daughter, apologizing for making it all a trouble to me. Hahah..i was like..dunno what to say..surprised..so juz ‘nevermind nevermind small matter pakcik hehe’….
Hmmmm….his appreciation was big to me. that was just enough to keep him in my mind, in my prayer.. It’s been a year now..may he rest in peace…ameen…and may his loved ones, keep being strong without him…
Still about April..Oh yea important..April 15th ..due date to register for my ACCA’s next papers..exams two months ahead and I’m planning to sit for two papers. But hey, I haven’t studied anything man…camne niee..still juggling whether am gonna take 1 or 2 papers at one go. Some ppl say, just take one paper so u can concentrate. Some ppl say, do take more than one because if you take one and fail that only one, your whole term wud be a total waste. So? What if you take two and flunk both?? A double total waste la?? Haha.. emm..tgk laa..still not decided. Last paper pon pass ckp2 mkn jek..rezki kot.. this time, dunno..always hoping for the best..
Lalalaaa….Happy April! So those are all about my April.. What about your April? Anything special in your April? Sdp plak sbt byk2 kali April..hehe Oklah, sekian April..Yours truly, Salzy April =p